Hi there, I’m Edgar Chauque and thanks for stopping by.This is the place where i like to hang around and share with folks like you the things that are precious to me. Everything that i publish in this blog is precious to me and quite close to my heart.
Here i like sharing stuff that i am passionate about and that i believe in. It is through things that i publish that i intend to impact and eventually change my portion of the world. I hope that you enjoy some of the things that i share with you on this blog.
I am quite sure you have noticed that you will not find anything fancy and out of the ordinary, and that is because it is written from an ordinary guy like me. In that way i believe i will be able to relate with many of the ordinary folks that come to this blog. Here you will find stuff i believe you can somehow benefit from in order to either uplift you, encourage and even take you to new heights in as far as perceptions with the issues of life are concerned.
In this blog you will find topics such WordPress, business, personal development, Technology, and my faith. Yes because that is our complex i am, and i cannot explain how i am able to conciliate all of these seemingly unrelated areas of my life. However, they constitute who i am or who i am discovering to be.
Most the things that i share here are discoveries that i have made either through studies, experiences, or observation. And because i was born to contribute i try to do just that in this blog with you. I believe that this blog is my small contribution to the world and i intend to continue to do so.
So i hope that you like what you find on this blog and perhaps share whatever you like here with those who are important to you. You are important to me that is why i created this blog, to be able to share my life stories with people like you. If you like, you can also keep in touch with me.