Author name: Edgar Chauque

brown wooden letter blocks

Tenha Um Motivo Para Agradecer

É a época do Thanks Giving nos Estados Unidos. Nesta altura, os norte-americanos dedicam este dia e esta época ao Dia de Ação de Graças. É uma altura em que as famílias se juntam e encontram motivos para agradecer. Obrigado, esta palavra mágica que costumamos ensinar às crianças, para que cresçam a lembrar-se de que

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Money Money, we all need money… The young need money; The old need it; The black need it; The white need it; The colored need it and; The Indian need it more…. We all rely on it for the things that we want and love to do… Money, we all need it to buy us

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Dare to Dream

Most people don’t dream. Well maybe i should refrase my statement by saying that most people do not have the courage to dream. As for the reasons for this i can only conjecture but a few. Among those i could mention God is a Dreamer Our Creator is not an average dreamer but extremely Big,

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What is My Passion

Passion, What is it? I believe that passion is what energises a man or woman to do what he or she loves and enjoyes doing; Passion is the engine of life; Passion is the fuel that energises your dreams and aspirations; Passion is that intangible internal energy, yet quite visible in those who have it;

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In Search Of Purpose

God created man for a reason and that reason for the creation of man is what we call purpose. It is therefore, man’s responsability to discover what his purpose in life is. If man does not discover and realize his purpose for existence, his life will end up in endless and sensless experiments and never

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